Friday, November 7, 2014

San Francisco Brewcraft Sells Second Garden Honey!

I feel like I have truly arrived as a beekeeper and a brewer.  Merging both crafts, my honey can now be found at San Francisco Brewcraft  I'm thinking of dubbing myself, The Brewkeeper.  It's a nice portmanteau (my new favorite word) that fits me rather well, don't you think?

I was excited when shopping recently at San Francisco Brewcraft. I got into a conversation with another shopper and one of the owners about bees and honey when the owner said they'd like to sell my honey.  I was thrilled, but I tried to play it cool and casually said I'd bring some in next time I came shopping.  So a couple of weeks ago, I brought in 9 lbs of honey in three bottles.  When it came to negotiating a price, I confessed that really it was an honor to have my honey in this Mecca for SF home brewers, and I'd take anything they would offer me.  If you've bought honey from me, then you know that I would normally sell 3 lbs for $36.  They sell 3 lbs for $22.  You can imagine what they bought the honey from me for.  It's not always about the money.

I recently ran out of honey at home and had to turn away some good folk who came too late to my last honey sale of the year.  If you really want some of my honey, rush down to San Francisco Brewcraft and there may still be a three pound bottle for sale.  For your trouble, you'll get my honey cheap!  Maybe you'll go home with a home brewing kit with the money you save, and get hooked on brewing, like I did.  Brewing, like fine cuisine cooking, melds art and science.  Throw in a nice buzz from the alcohol, and what's not to love! I just finished a test bottle of this year's pumpkin ale before I added the spices.  A nice pumpkin flavor, maybe just a little astringent on the back of my tongue.  I think when it's fully conditioned, it will be quite nice.

Look! There's my honey, right next to other honey in the only homebrew supply store in San Francisco.  I'm trying not to rush back to SF Brewcraft to check on whether or not they'd sold any yet.  based on the crystallization of their honey stock, looks like they don't move their honey quickly.  I'll try not to be disappointed if all three bottles are still there when I shop there next time.

If you happen to find yourself shopping at SF Brewcraft, check the honey supply and let me know.

Stay sweet!
The Brewkeeper

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