I'm Back!
Since my last post in November I've:
brewed 5 batches (25 gallons!) of beer,
baked several loaves of spent grain bread,
tended the hive many times,
made some lip balm and hand lotion out of wax from my hive,
got a new package of bees (a queen and 10,000 bees) to replace the hive I lost last fall,
and harvested over 25 pounds of honey!
I want to tell you about each of these, and more, in greater detail. I'm not sure I'll be able to catch up on all the stories I have to tell because every week something else with the bees or a batch of brew is interesting enough to talk about. But that's good, right? Never a dull moment in The Garden. I'll try to keep the posts coming and to keep it interesting enough that you come back for more!
Of all these things, I'm going to start with the newest: harvesting 25 pounds of honey just a couple of days ago. But not in this post, the next one, in just a couple of days. I promise. Until then, be friendly!
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